Join the Dogsmile Crew
Whether you’re a thousand miles away or right here in town, you can be directly involved in bringing life changing healing and growth to those in need. We can't do it without you.
Shore Crew
Unfortunately, sailboats don’t run on thanks. In fact, they need constant TLC. Our deckhand volunteers will support the skippers with the maintenance and care of our fleet.

Deck Hand
If you have some sailing experience and would like to get out on the water with us in a leadership capacity, please consider volunteering as a deckhand. This is a great opportunity for someone who’s interested in a career on the water.

Media Specialist
We’re constantly in need of raw footage for our website and various social media accounts. So, if you love boats and water and fun, grab your camera (or drone!) and join us out on the water. We’ll be sure to credit your work wherever we use it.

Non-Profit Administration
If you have experience with nonprofit administration, accounting, or fundraising, we NEED your help! We’re just a bunch of sailors with ton of passion in need of direction. Please lend a hand if you can.

Fiscal Donor
If you can’t be here in person, you can still be here in spirit. Please consider supporting us and rest easy knowing you’ve just sent someone sailing that wouldn’t be otherwise. There’s no wind in your hair, but there might be tears in your eyes when you receive their heartfelt gratitude.
“My goal is to impact everyone that comes into contact with the mission. Everyone involved should walk away with pride having been a part of this program.”

Jon Totten
Therapeutic Sailing for Everyone